Conductor Script Commands
Appendix A Conductor Script Commands 309
users roles
list of active attribute accessors
You can use the ListSessions Script command to display a list of sessions in the
engine before selecting the session to display.
The ShowStatus command displays status information for the current engine or
any of its individual components.
ShowStatus [short]
The ShowStatus command is available only when the engine is current or if an
engine component is current. Use the FindEngine Script command to set the
current engine, and, in addition, the FindGovernor, FindDBService, FindUnit, or
FindPrimary Script command to make the corresponding engine component
The properties displayed by the ShowStatus command depend upon whether the
engine is current or an engine component is current. If an engine component is
current, then using the short option of the ShowStatus command will display an
abbreviated set of properties for that component (italicized properties in the lists
below are not displayed)


engine name
governor run state: TRUE or FALSE
primary engine unit run state: TRUE or FALSE
number and names of engine units running
number and names of database services running
number of idle database services