performance chart 221, 224 performance indicators 222 performance, engine 89, 116 ping interval, session 159
locks, removing 194 value, changing 194 value/lock state, checking 189
process client applications, See client applications process creation 166
process definition, registration 145 process development node 52 process development workshops 45 process engine, See engine process execution
about 165
activity creation 167 activity execution 168 activity termination 171 analysis 197 bottlenecks, checking 196 configuration options 89 historical data 197 managing 116, 179, 197, 266 monitoring 179, 266
monitoring and management tasks 180 objects in engine, diagram 179 process creation 166
process termination 173 recovering state 34, 123 recovery levels 123 reports 197
tuning 116 process history 197 process instance states
ABORTED 173, 198, 357 ACTIVE 198, 357 COMPLETED 173, 198, 357 CREATED 198, 357
Section Q
process instances aborting 181 execution options 102 stalled 173
status, checking 181 swapping 116
process, analysis of 197 ProcessAbort alarm 205 production engines 83 production loads and memory 116 properties
database configuration 97 engine configuration 88 performance chart 224
queued activities described 165 execution of 169
Quit command, iIS Console 71
READY activity state 162, 199, 357 ReadyActivity command, Conductor Script 293 reconfiguring
engine 113
engine database logging 115 reconnect parameters, sessions 160 recover cursor size, process instances 102 recovery
engine 34
engine database options 125 levels 123
state information 34, 123, 166 refresh behavior 72
Index 365