Conductor Script Commands
The SetTimerElapsed command sets the specified elapsed timer to the specified state (ON, OFF, or no change) and sets a new elapsed time interval until expiration.
SetTimerElapsed process_id timer_name state time_interval
Argument | Description |
process_id | The process instance of the specified timer. |
timer_name | The name of the specified timer. |
state | The specified new state: ON, OFF, or no change. |
time_interval | The new time interval until expiration, in IntervalData format |
| (years:months:days:hours:minutes:seconds:milliseconds). Applies |
| only to elapsed timers. |
The SetTimerElapsed command is available only when an engine is current, so you must first use the FindEngine Script command to set the current engine.
You can use the SetTimerElapsed command to turn any elapsed timer on or off, and to set a new elapsed time interval until expiration.
The ShowActivity command displays the properties of the specified activity in the current engine.
ShowActivity process_id activity_name
process_id | The process instance in which the activity was created. |
activity_name The name of the activity.
The ShowActivity command is available only when an engine is current, so you must first use the FindEngine Script command to set the current engine.