iIS Process System Software
50 iPlanet Integration Server P rocess System Guide August 2001
Compiled and Interpreted Engine Components
There is a script for alternating between the use of compiled or interpreted engine
components. This is useful if exceptions occur when you are running an engine in
compiled mode; you can switch to interpreted mode to obtain trace back on
exceptions. The platform-specific script, which is installed in
FORTE_ROOT/install/bin, is the following:
setccomp.sh TRUE | FALSE
TRUE specifies compiled partitions; FALSE specifies interpreted partitions.
System A library distribution that provides
underlying system management support for
accessing iIS process engines and performing
registration of process definitions. Needed on
all nodes.
System An application that supports generation and
deployment of library distributions for
registration of process definitions, assignment
rule dictionaries, and user profiles. Needed on
central server node.
en_us.cat System A message catalog used in translating all
language strings in the product.
A base development repository that contains
all the class definitions needed to create
process definitions or TOOL client
applications. Needed on repository server
Script Name Platforms Types of Script
setccomp.sh All UNIX Bourne-shell
setccomp.bat MS Windows NT MS-DOS batch file
setccomp.com Alpha VMS, VAX/VMS VMS command procedure
Table 2 -1 Process System Software Modules (Continued)
Software Module Category Description