Managing Process Execution with Conductor Script
Command | Arguments | Function | See… |
ListFilters | List all existing event filters for the | page 289 | |
| current engine. |
ListProcesses | [short], | List process instances for a specified | page 289 |
| [name process_name] | process (or all process instances) in the |
| current engine, or list a summary of |
| process instances by process name. |
ListTimers | List all timers in the current engine. | page 291 | |
ReadyActivity | process_id, | Change the state of the specified activity | page 293 |
| activity_name | from PENDING to READY. |
RemoveReadLock | process_id | Remove a shared lock on the specified | page 297 |
| attribute_name | process attribute. |
RemoveWriteLock | process_id | Remove an exclusive lock on the | page 297 |
| attribute_name | specified process attribute. |
RollbackActivity | process_id | Change the state of the specified activity | page 298 |
| activity_name | from ACTIVE to READY. |
SetAttributeValue | process_id | Set the value of the specified attribute | page 300 |
| attribute_name | for a specified process instance. |
| attribute_type |
| value |
SetQueuedActivity process_id
Priorityactivity_id prioritizing_value
Reprioritize activities in an activity | page 301 |
queue by setting the prioritizing process |
attribute for a specified activity to a |
specified value. |
SetTimer | process_id | Set the specified timer to the specified | page 302 |
| timer_name | state (ON, OFF, or no change) and |
| state | resume operation (or reset the timer) |
| [reset_control] |
SetTimerDeadline | process_id | Set the specified deadline timer to the | page 303 |
| timer_name | specified state (ON, OFF, or no change) |
| state | and set a new expiration time. |
| expiration_time |
SetTimerElapsed | process_id | Set the specified elapsed timer to the | page 304 |
| timer_name | specified state (ON, OFF, or no change) |
| state | and set a new elapsed time interval until |
| time_interval | expiration. |
ShowActivity | process_id, | Show details of the specified activity. | page 304 |
| activity_name |
Chapter 8 Using the Conductor Script Utility 257