Conductor Script Commands
Appendix A Conductor Script Commands 287
The IIOPServer command starts, stops, or displays information about the IIOP
service needed to support CORBA/IIOP iIS process client applications.
IIOPServer [start|stop|show]
The IIOPServer command is always available.
The IIOPServer command is used to start up the IIOP service installed by the iIS
installer program on the central server node in your iPlanet UDS environment. The
IIOP service is required for CORBA/IIOP client applications to access an iIS
process engine.
The ListActivities command displays all activities in the current engine.
The ListActivities command is available only when an engine is current, so you
must first use the FindEngine Script command to set the current engine.
The ListActivities command displays activities in all process instances of all
registered process definitions. For each activity, the ListActivities command
displays the following information: activity name, activity ID, activity state, and
process name.
The ListActivityQueues command displays queues either for the specified
process or for all processes in the current engine.
ListActivityQueues [process_name]
The ListActivityQueues command is available only when an engine is current,
so you must first use the FindEngine Script command to set the current engine.
Argument Description
process_name The specified process. If not specified then all queues in the engine
are displayed.