iIS Example Programs
24 iPlanet Integration Server P rocess System Guide August 2001
iIS Example Programs
iIS example programs are shipped with the iIS product and installed in two
locations, one for process development (using the process engine) and one for
application integration (using the iIS backbone).
Process Development Examples Process development examples are installed at
the following location:
The PDF file, c_examp.pdf, describes how to install and run the examples in this
directory. The Appendix to the iIS Process Development Guide also describes how to
install and run the examples.
Application Integration Examples Process integration examples are installed at
the following location:
Each example has its own sub-directory, which contains a README file that
explains how to install and run the example.
Viewing and Searching PDF Files
You can view and search iIS documentation PDF files directly from the
documentation CD-ROM, store them locally on your computer, or store them on a
server for multiuser network access.
To copy the documentation to a client or server
1. Copy the doc directory and its contents from the CD-ROM to the client or
server hard disk.
You can specify any convenient location for the doc directory; the location is
not dependent on the iIS distribution. You may want to consolidate your iIS
documentation with the documentation for your iPlanet UDS distribution.
NOTE You need Acrobat Reader 4.0+ to view and print the files. Acrobat
Reader with Search is recommended and is available as a free
download from http://www.adobe.com. If you do not use Acrobat
Reader with Search, you can only view and print files; you cannot
search across the collection of files.