Conductor Script Commands
The RollbackActivity command changes the state of the specified activity from ACTIVE to READY.
RollbackActivity process_id activity_name
process_id | The process instance in which the activity was created. |
activity_name The name of the activity.
The RollbackActivity command is available only when an engine is current, so you must first use the FindEngine Script command to set the current engine.
The RollbackActivity command does not apply to activities that do not pass through READY state, such as SubProcess, First, and Last activities.
When you issue the RollbackActivity command, the engine performs the following actions:
•Discards pending process attribute
•Changes the activity state from ACTIVE to READY
•Posts an ActivityListUpdate event to all sessions associated with the activity
•If the activity is an offered activity, the engine reassigns it to sessions based on the activity’s assignment rules
•If the activity is a queued activity, the engine places it back on the queue to which it was assigned
•If the activity is an automatic activity, the engine automatically places it in ACTIVE state, and
The RollbackTransaction command rolls back (undoes) an