Registering Aliases
Unlike process definitions, assignment rule dictionaries, user profiles, and the validation, aliases do not involve library distributions. In registering an alias, you are simply making an entry in an engine’s registration table. You can register only one alias at a time, but you can register it with more than one engine. The registration process is the same for both new and modified versions of an alias.
To register an alias, the nodes hosting the target engine (or engines) must be online, and the primary engine unit of each target engine must be in the ONLINE state.
➤To register an alias using the iIS Console
1. Choose Environment > Aliases > New. The Register Alias window displays:
Engine selection list
2.In the Alias name field, enter the name of the alias, as supplied to you by developers.
The alias name is the same as the process name of the subprocess.
3.In the Engine name field, enter the name of the engine the alias is referencing.
This is the name of the engine with which the specified process definition is registered and on which it will be executed. (The engine where the actual subprocess resides.)
4.Select the engines with which to register the specified alias.
5.Click OK.
Chapter 5 Managing Registrations 149