Engine Log Files
Engine Log Files
Each iIS process engine component, like other iPlanet UDS partitions, writes to a log file that records exceptions and message output. The component log files are therefore an important source of troubleshooting information.
The log file for each component is written in the FORTE_ROOT/log directory of the node on which the component is executing. Log files are named according to the executing partition’s name. Engine components can be executed as standard partitions interpreted by an iPlanet UDS ftexec partition or as compiled partitions. The corresponding log file names and locations on the host server node are as follows:
iPlanet UDS Partition | Standard Output Log File in FORTE_ROOT/log/ |
Standard partition | forte_ex_process_ID.log (for example, forte_ex_13456.log) |
Compiled partition | filename_process_ID.log |
Several kinds of information are written to an engine component log file. Some kinds are written automatically and some are under your control. Some information is generated by the underlying iPlanet UDS runtime system, while other information is specific to the execution of iIS processes. In general the information falls into four categories: engine exceptions, requested message output, instrument data, and audit traces.
Engine Exceptions All iIS error conditions detected by an engine cause an appropriate exception to be raised. When the error is detected by an internal engine task (for example, attempting to start an unregistered subprocess), the engine records the exception in the primary engine unit’s log file. (It also writes it to the iIS Console trace window, if open.)
Requested Message Output You can request that specific categories of messages be logged to any iIS engine component log file (see “Messages and Message Filters” on page 212). In general, you can set log filters (or flags) that specify the type and level of messages you want to have logged. (These messages are also written to the iIS Console trace window, if open.)