The iIS Console Main Window
Chapter 3 The iIS Console 71
Setting Password Protection for iIS Console
You can restrict access to iIS Console by setting password protection for your active
iIS environment. A password is then required to open iIS Console, as well as any
other system management tools, such as Conductor Script and the iPlanet UDS
Environment Console.
Once you set a password, other users cannot open iIS Console (or Conductor Script
or the iPlanet UDS Environment Console) in your active environment without
using the password.
To set a password for iIS Console
1. Choose Environment > Set Password. The Enter Password window displays.
2. Enter a password and then enter it again in the Verification password field.
3. Click OK to set the password.
You can also use this window to change password protection for an environment
by first entering the current password in the Password field and then entering the
new password. If you want to remove password protection, enter the current
password in the Password field, then enter nothing for the New password and
click OK.
Exiting iIS Console
To exit the iIS Console, choose Environment > Exit.