Conductor Script Commands
290 iPlanet Integration Server Process System Guide August 200 1


If you use the short option, the command displays a summary of process
instances by process definition.
If you use the name option, the command displays all process instances for the
specified registered process definition.
If you do not specify an option, it displays all process instances in the current
For any given process instance, you can monitor or manage its activities, timers,
attributes, and attribute locks. For each process instance, the ListProcesses
command displays the following information: process name, the process definition
version, the value of the primary process attribute, the primary process attribute
name, the process instance ID, and the process creation time.
The ListRegistrations command displays distributions of the specified type (or
all types) registered with the current engine.
ListRegistrations [type]
The ListRegistrations command is available only when an engine is current, so
you must first use the FindEngine Script command to set the current engine. If the
type is not specified, all types are listed, grouped by type.
You can delete any registered entity from the current engines registration database
using the appropriate UnRegister Script command. You can register additional
entities using the appropriate Register Script command. For each registered
entity the ListRegistrations command displays the name of the registered
component and the type.
Argument Description
type The specified component type: process definition, assignment rule
dictionary, user profile, uservalidation, or alias.