Managing Process Execution with Conductor Script
260 iPlanet Integration Server Process System Guide August 200 1
To resolve transactions after a client or engine failure
1. Start Conductor Script from a command line and invoke ListTransactions.
cscript >ListTransactions
The output of this command identifies all sessions, and their respective status,
that have transactions in a PREPARE phase. For example, if a CreateProcess
transaction had been prepared before the client crashed and there was only one
session in progress, you would see output such as the following:
2. Commit or roll back the prepared transaction:
cscript >CommitTransaction 200
3. Verify the commit or rollback of the transaction:
cscript >ShowSession 200
The output of the ShowSession command should indicate that the transaction
has been resolved.
ListTransactions Lists information for all
in-progress iIS engine
transactions (that is, those
in a PREPARE phase) for
all sessions in the current
RollbackTransaction session_ID
Rolls back the in-progress
iIS transaction for the
specified session or
transaction ID.
Session Name:s1 Id:200 Status:Suspended
TransactionId:My_Transaction_Id1 Current operation:
Command Argument Function See