Using iIS Console Windows
72 iPlanet Integration Server P rocess System Guide August 2001
Using iIS Console Windows
The iIS Console is a graphical system application developed in iPlanet UDS whose
windows behave in accordance with your host window system. If you use
graphical applications in your host window system, the Console will be familiar.

Using the Mouse

The iIS Console behaves like any standard application in your window
systemmouse clicks select objects, double-clicks open objects, and click-and-drag
operations move or copy obje cts. If your mouse has more t han one button, you use
the left-most button for these operations (or, if your mouse is configured
specifically for left-handed use, the right-most button).
The iIS Console also uses the right-most button to present popup menu commands
as an alternative to using the menu bar. The popup menu choices presented by
right-clicking depend on which, if any, items are selected in the active window.

Window Refresh Behavior

Many iIS Console windows display lists that are maintained by the engine and are
in a constant state of change. iIS Console lets you determine if and how often
window displays are refreshed to correspond to information maintained by the
engine. Each display window has a default automatic refresh time interval setting.
You can turn automatic refresh off or on, set the automatic refresh interval, or force
an immediate refresh.
To turn automatic refresh off or on
1. Enable the Automatic Refresh toggle in the bottom right of the window.