Conductor Script Commands
308 iPlanet Integration Server Process System Guide August 200 1
list of activities, displaying activity name, activity ID, process ID, activity state
(as in ListActivities Script command)
list of timers, displaying timer name, process ID, state, type, expiration time
and date (as in ListTimers Script command)
parent activity and engine (for subprocesses)
list of active attribute accessors
You can use the ListProcesses Script command to display a list of process
instances in the engine before selecting the process instance to display.
The ShowSession command displays the properties of the specified session in the
current engine.
ShowSession session_id
The ShowSession command is available only when an engine is current, so you
must first use the FindEngine Script command to set the current engine.
The ShowSession command displays the following information:
session ID
session name
client connected: TRUE or FALSE
session state: ACTIVE or SUSPENDED
administrative user: TRUE or FALSE
activity list size
Argument Description
session_id The specified session.