Configuring an Engine
102 iPlanet Integration Server Process System Guide August 200 1
11. Specify how many monitor windows can be open at any time.
The Monitor Display Limit option (default value of 10), indicates how many iIS
Console monitor windows can be open at any time. This limit applies to
Sessions, Processes Resident and Activities Resident monitor windows and
affects all iIS Consoles monitoring the engine. The number of monitor
windows open affects the performance of an engine.
12. Specify the recover cursor size.
You can set the number of process instances to be recovered at one time in the
event of engine unit failure. The default is 100 process instances at a time. The
cursor size controls how many rows are accessed from the engine database.
Lowering the number of instances (by lowering the cursor size) reduces the
amount of memory needed for recovery; the trade off is a slower recovery. If
your resources permit, you can increase the number for maximum efficiency.
13. Specify process execution options.
You can set a number of configuration options that affect how an engine
manages process execution. By setting these options appropriately, you can
ensure that memory resources do not become overtaxed during process
execution, and thereby avoid engine performance degradation or possible
NOTE If you attempt to open additional windows beyond the limit, an
error message is displayed.
NOTE If the engine unit fails to recover due to an out-of-memory error,
you can lower the cursor size. Another option is to increase the
maximum memory allocation for DB services or engine units as
your resources permit.