Database Schema Reference
Appendix B Engine Database Schema 349
SESSIONID NUMBER(38) ID of the session that owns this activity
(if the activity is ACTIVE).
LOGTIME DATE Time of this logging.
Table B -28 WFHAlarmLog
Name Index Null? Type Description
ALARMTYPE VARCHAR2(64) The type of the alarm.
DETAILS VARCHAR2(255) The text of the alarm.
LOGTIME DATE Time of this logging.
Table B -29 WFHAliasLog
Name Index Null? Type Description
ALIAS VARCHAR2(64) Name of an alias registered (or now
unregistered) on this engine.
PROCESS VARCHAR2(64) Name of the process definition which the
alias represents (same as the alias name).
ENGINE VARCHAR2(64) Engine where the actual process
definition resides.
ENVIRONMENT VARCHAR2(64) Environment of the engine where the
actual process definition resides.
STATE NUMBER(38) State of this alias registrati on:
1 Registered
-1 Unregistered
LOGTIME DATE Time of this logging.
Table B -27 WFHActStateLog (Continued)
Name Index Null? Type Description