Monitoring and Managing Engine Sessions
Managing Sessions
Session management consists of suspending or terminating sessions, or sending a message to one or more sessions (that is, the corresponding client applications).
Suspending or Terminating Sessions
On occasion you might find it necessary to suspend or terminate one or more active sessions. Suspending a session posts a SessionSuspended event, and terminating the session posts a SessionTerminated event. These events allow the client application to handle the state change gracefully.
For the impact of suspending a session, see “Explicitly Suspended Sessions” on page 161. For the impact of terminating a session, see “Explicitly Terminated Sessions” on page 161.
NOTE A session that has
➤To suspend a session
1.Choose Monitor > Sessions to display the Sessions window with the list of current sessions for the engine.
2.Select the session to suspend.
3.Choose Session’Name’ > Suspend from the popup menu. You will be asked to confirm the suspension.
NOTE To suspend all sessions, choose Session > Suspend all.