Process Engine Alarms Window
Chapter 7 Troubleshooting 205
Process Engine Alarms Window

A number of engine conditions result in an alarm. An alarm is a message notifying

you of a condition in the functioning of an iIS process engine that might require


The following list shows these alarms and a description of the condition that gives

rise to each:

Alarm Description
ChannelDisconnect A communication channel to the engine unit has been
disconnected due to the failure of a component or an
interruption of the network.
DatabaseDisconnect A database service has been disconnected due to the
partition shutting down or a network failure.
EngineUnitForceStandby Because an engine unit cannot operate independently in a
fault tolerant state, the engine unit has been forced into
STANDBY state due to an interruption of contact with its
EngineUnitOnline The engine unit has gone into ONLINE state and is now
capable of accepting client connections.
EngineUnitShutdown An engine unit has shut down and is no longer running as a
partition, due either to operator intervention or to a failure in
the software. If a software failure is suspected, look in the log
files for the engine units and governor.
Exception An exception has been generated in the engine unit. The
Severity and Message fields contain the informatio n about
the exception.
GovernorDisconnect A communication channel between an engine unit and the
Governor has been disconnected due to the failure of a
component or an interruption of the network.
ProcessAbort A process has been aborted. The details field of this alarm
gives the ID of the process that was aborted. If this alarm is
unexpected, look in the log files for further information.
StartupFailure An engine unit has failed to start up correctly. Further
information as to the reason for the failure can be found in
the governor log file. The engine unit is now in STANDBY
UserAccess Access to something has been denied to a user. The Reason
field gives the reason for the access violation.