Managing an Engine Database
132 iPlanet Integration Server Process System Guide August 200 1

Preserving Engine Database Schema Customizations

If you are upgrading to a new release of iIS, the database schema for the process
engine may have changed. If, in the previous release, you modified a process
engine database schema to conform to your own specific requirements, as
explained in Customizing Engine Database Schema on page 93, then you must
perform the following procedure to preserve your modifications before restoring
the database tables.
To preserve custom engine database schema changes when upgrading iIS
1. Rename your current engine.dbs file as follows:
a. Navigate to FORTE_ROOT/sysdata/conductr/cln/envname/engine.dbs
envname is the name of your environment
engine is the name of your process engine
b. Rename engine.dbs to engine.old.
2. Start CConsole and reconfigure the process engine as follows:
a. In CConsole, select the process engine
b. Select Reconfigure, and then click Save
3. Compare the newly generated engine.dbs with engine.old created in Step1
of this procedure and make the following modifications:
Modify engine.dbs, based on the modifications from engine..old.
4. Cold start the iIS process engine you are upgrading.
Cold starting an engine creates empty database tables corresponding to the
engine database schema.
5. Shut down the engine.
NOTE If you are not upgrading to a new release, or if the database schema
did not change during the upgrade, then the following procedure is
not necessary.