Registering iIS Distributions
Chapter 5 Managing Registrations 147
Upgrading Registrations
Sometimes you must register a new version (upgrade a registration) of one of these
library distributions. How you upgrade a registration depends on the upgrade
registration characteristics of the distribution type, as summarized in the following
Unregistering iIS Distributions
At times you might want to unregister a distribution from one or more engines,
normally because those engines no longer use the process definitions they contain.
(You might also have to unregister a distribution because for some reason you
want to re-register it.) Cold starting an engine unregisters all registrations;
however, if you want to be more selective, use the procedure described in this
Distribution Type Registration Characteristics
User profile Cannot register upgraded versions of the same name unless
you first unregister the older version, cold start the engine, or
rename the upgraded version.
Validation Can register upgraded versions of the same name. Engine
supports only the most recent versionautomatically
unregisters earlier version.
Assignment rule
Can register upgraded versions of the same name. Engine
supports only the most recent version, retroactively applying
it to all existing activities.
Process definition Can register upgraded versions of the same name. Engine
supports multiple versions. Engine unregisters older versions
no longer being used.
NOTE You cannot explicitly unregister a validation. This is because the
engine maintains only one validationregistering a new validation
implicitly unregisters the previous one.
You can unregister only one registered distribution at a time.