Working with Conductor Script
Chapter 8 Using the Conductor Script Utility 231

For full reference documentation of the commands discussed below, consult the

Fscript Reference Guide.

General Conductor Script Operations

The following table lists Conductor Script commands used for general operations

such as getting online help, defining the format of file names, specifying a directory

search path, and so on:

Command Arguments Function
AddAlias alias_name
Define an alias for a Conductor Script
command and its arguments.
AddPath directory_name
Add the specified directories to the current
search path (see SetPath).
Exit —— Exit Conductor Script.
Help [comand_name|
List help for general Conductor Script
commands and currently available
FNscript commands. Use a wildcard (*) to
get help on similarly named commands.
ModLogger +(log_flags)|
Modify the current iPlanet UDS log
message filters (log flag settings) for
Conductor Script.
Quit —— Exit Conductor Script.
RemoveAlias [alias_name] Remove an alias definition.
SetOutFile [file_name] Specify a file where standard output is
SetPath directory_name
Set the directory search path used by any
of the commands that take a file name as
an argument.
ShowAlias [alias_name] Display one or all defined aliases with
their expansions.
ShowPath —— Show the current directory search path
(see SetPath).