Managing iIS Process Engines with Conductor Script
Chapter 8 Using the Conductor Script Utility 235
Managing iIS Process Engines with Conductor Script
This section describes how to perform the following engine management functions
using Conductor Script:
starting an engine
monitoring an engine
changing engine component states (including stopping an engine)
Conductor Script cannot be used to configure an engine. You can use iIS Console
(see Configuring an Engine on page 85) or edit an engine configuration file by
hand (using the information in Engine Configuration File on page 90).
For background information on starting an engine, monitoring it, and ch anging
component states, as well as how to perform these functions using iIS Console, see
Chapter4, Man aging Engines.

Starting an Engine

You can start engine components from a centralized location using the Conductor
Script utility (see Appendix A, Conductor Script Commands). Conductor Script
uses iPlanet UDS system management agents to start the partitions corresponding
to each of the engine components, as specified in the engine configuration file.
To start an engine
1. Enter ListEngines to get a list of configured engines.
The list indicates which engines are online.
2. Use the FindEngine command to choose the engine you want to start.
The selected engine is the current engine.
3. Use the StartEngine command to start the current engine.
The engine starts using the component partitioning and startup information in
the engine configuration file (see Engine Configuration File on page 90). The
components are started in the following order: governor, engine units,
database services.