Conductor Script Command Summary
Command | Arguments | Function | See… |
SetQueuedActivity process_id,
Priorityactivity_id prioritizing_value
Reprioritize activities in an activity page 301 queue by setting the prioritizing
process attribute for a specified activity to a specified value.
SetTimer | process_id, | Set the specified timer to the | page 302 |
| timer_name | specified state (ON, OFF, or no |
| state | change) and resume operation (or |
| [reset] | reset the timer) |
SetTimerDeadline | process_id, | Set the specified deadline timer to | page 303 |
| timer_name | the specified state (ON, OFF, or no |
| state | change) and set a new expiration |
| expiration_time | time. |
SetTimerElapsed | process_id, | Set the specified elapsed timer to | page 304 |
| timer_name | the specified state (ON, OFF, or no |
| state | change) and set a new elapsed time |
| time_interval | interval until expiration. |
ShowActivity | process_id, | Show details of the specified | page 302 |
| activity_name | activity. |
ShowActivityQueue | process_name, | Display the contents of the | page 305 |
| [queue_name] | specified queue (or all queues) for |
| the specified process in the current |
| engine. |
ShowProcess | process_id | Show details of specified process | page 307 |
| instance, including all activities |
| and the values of all process |
| attributes. |
ShowSession | session_id | Show details of the given session, | page 308 |
| including the activity list. |
ShowTimer | process_id, | Show details of the specified timer. | page 313 |
| timer_name |
StartActivity | process_id, | Change the state of the specified | page 314 |
| activity_name | activity from READY to ACTIVE. |
| session_id |
StartTimer | process_id, | Start the specified timer. Place it in | page 317 |
| timer_name | the ON state. |
StopTimer | process_id, | Stop the specified timer. Place it in | page 319 |
| timer_name | the OFF state. |