Conductor Script Commands
Appendix A Conductor Script Commands 311
primary engine unit:
unit name
startup phase (if not ONLINE)
unit state: ONLINE or STANDBY
shell state: IDLE, TOKEN_REQUESTED (negotiating with partner), or
governor channel: OPEN or CLOSED
partner channel: OPEN or CLOSED
ping interval
start time
host node
The following table shows the instrumentation displayed for the primary engine
Instrument Description
ActiveSessions Number of current active sessions
SuspendedSessions Number of current suspended sessions
CurrentSessions Number of current sessions = ActiveSessions
TotalSessions Number of sessions since engine startup =
CurrentSessions + Number of terminated sessions
ActiveProcessInstances Number of current active process instances
TotalProcessInstances Number of process instances since engine startup =
ActiveProcess Instances + number of terminated process
ActiveSubProcessInstances Number of current active subprocess instances
TotalSubProcessInstances Number of subprocess instances since engine startup =
ActiveSubProcess Instances + number of terminated
subprocess instances
PendingActivities Number of current PENDING activities
ReadyActivities Number of current READY activities