Configuring an Engine
Chapter 4 Managing Engines 99
7. Select the Components tab.
The Component Partitioning dialog is displayed.
8. Specify the engine component partitioning.
When assigning a component to a node, be sure that the node is an engine
server node (that is, that engine components were installed on the node during
iIS installation). The Node drop list shows all server nodes (whether online or
not) defined in the iPlanet UDS environment.
The order in which you specify components is not important.
Governor To provide failover for an engine, you need to include a governor
in the configuration. The governor does not accept a name or priority
(indicated by N/A in the table).
Engine Unit Y ou can specify one or two engine units in your
configurationto provide failover, you need two units (a primary and a
backup). For each engine unit, you must provide a name and indicate whether
it is the primary unit (P), backup unit (B), or not specified (N). In the last case
the governor decides which is primary and which is backup. For failover to
work, the engine units must be put on separate nodes and cannot be on the
node hosting the governor.
Database Service You can specify as many database services as you need (at
least one) to balance the maximum load on your engine database access. For
each database service, you must provide a unique name and indicate its
priority. A priority is simply an integer (positive or negative from 1 to 10), with