Process Execution
Completed Activities
When an engine places an activity in a COMPLETED state, the engine performs the following actions:
•executes the activity’s OnComplete method, if one is specified in the process definition
•executes the activity’s OnComplete router methods
•checks for a process stall
•deletes the COMPLETED activity from state information
In the case of a Last activity, however, instead of performing the above actions, the engine places the process directly in a COMPLETED state.
Aborted Activities
When an engine places an activity in an ABORTED state, the engine performs the following actions:
•executes the activity’s OnAbort method, if one is specified in the process definition
•executes the activity’s OnAbort router
•checks for a process stall condition (no other activities are in an ACTIVE or READY
•deletes the ABORTED activity from state information
In the case of First and Last activities, however, the activities cannot reach an ABORTED state, since they proceed directly to a COMPLETED state.