Monitoring and Managing Process Execution
182 iPlanet Integration Server Process System Guide August 200 1
3. Select the process name you want to view instances of and choose Processes >
Open Instances of.
This opens the Processes Resident window, displaying the list of process
instances being executed by the engine for the selected process name.
For each process instance the window displays the process name, the version
of process definition, the value of the primary process attribute, the primary
process attribute name, the process instance ID, and the process instance
creation time.
4. Search for a process instance by process attribute value, creator, or creation
You can use the Filter or Sort commands, available from the View menu, to
help find specific process instances. For more information, refer to Filtering
iIS Console Lists on page 73 and Sorting iIS Console Lists on page 76.
NOTE You can open the Processes Resident window more directly by
choosing Monitor > Processes Resident, however the instances
displayed correspond to all process definitions rather than to a
single one.