iIS Process Management Tools
Conductor Script Utility
The Conductor Script utility is the functional equivalent of the iIS Console application, but with a
For more information on the Conductor Script utility, see Chapter 8, “Using the Conductor Script Utility.”
Custom System Management Tools
In an iPlanet UDS development environment you can use the iPlanet UDS development workshops to write your own system management tools exercising the same system management agents utilized by the iIS Console and the Conductor Script utility. These custom tools allow you to automate regular system management tasks or respond automatically to particular state conditions in an engine.
Repository Management Tools
iPlanet UDS provides several
For more information on repository management tools, see the iPlanet UDS System Management Guide.
Dump/Restore Facilities
iIS provides facilities for dumping the information in an engine database to an ASCII file. These
Chapter 1 Introduction: iIS Process Management 41