Conductor Script Commands
Appendix A Conductor Script Commands 275
The BroadcastMessage command sends a message to all active sessions on the
current engine.
BroadcastMessage message urgency
The BroadcastMessage command is only available when an engine is current. Use
the FindEngine Script command to set the current engine.
The BroadcastMessage command is used to notify all sessions about a pending
administrative action, such as changing the state of the primary engine from
The CommitTransaction command commits an in-progress iIS engine transaction
(that is, one in a PREPARE phase). For details on two-phase commit operations, see
Monitoring and Managing Two-Phase Commit on page199.
CommitTransaction {session_ID | transaction_ID}
To roll back an in-progress iIS engine transaction, use the RollbackTransaction
command. To list all in-progress iIS transactions for a given engine, use the
ListTransactions command.
Argument Description
message An alphanumeric string that constitutes the text of the messa ge. Message text
must be enclosed in double quotes.
urgency One of two specified string constants: INFORMATIONAL or CRITICAL.
Argument Description
session_ID The identifier of the session which has a transaction in a PREPARE
phase. A session can have only one in-progress two-phase
transaction_ID The identifier of the transaction in a PREPARE phase.