Working with Conductor Script
232 iPlanet Integration Server Process System Guide August 200 1
Writing and Executing Scripts
This section describes Conductor Script commands you use to write and execute
scripts to automate iIS process management tasks. For full reference
documentation of the commands, consult the Fscript Reference Guide.
One of the advantages of using Conductor Script over the iIS Console is that
Conductor Script lets you automate your routine system management tasks. You
can capture a sequence of Conductor Script operations into a script file and then
run that file at a later time.
You can run a script either by starting Conductor Script with the -i flag (and
supplying the script file name) or by starting Conductor Script and then issuing the
Include command when you want to run the script.


To include comments in your scripts, start the line containing the comment with
the # character, as shown in the following example:
UseLocal —— Set Conductor Script to recognize file
names specified in local operating system
UsePortable —— Set Conductor Script to recognize file
names specified in iPlanet UDS portab le
name format.
# Shut down the Banking engine.
FindEngine Banking
Command Arguments Function