Conductor Script Commands
The ListActivityQueues command displays all activity queues in a specified process definition. For each queue the ListActivityQueues command displays the process name and the queue name.
The ListConductorDistributions command displays a list of the specified type of library distribution (generated from iIS process development workshops) available for registration.
ListConductorDistributions [type]
Argument Description
type The specified distribution type: process definition, assignment rule dictionary, or user profile.
The ListConductorDistributions command is always available. If the distribution type is not specified, all types are listed, grouped by type.
The ListConductorDistributions command is used to display a list of library distributions of the appropriate type that you might want to register using the Register Script command. For each distribution, the ListConductorDistributions command displays the distribution name and the distribution type.
You can generate the libraries listed by this command using the FindPlan Fscript command to make a specified plan current, and then issuing the MakeConductorDistribution Script command to create the library distribution on the central server of the active environment. The list of iIS libraries accessed by ListConductorDistributions is maintained by the WFEngAgent service running on the central server node.