Registering iIS Distributions
Process Definition A process definition must be registered with every engine that can execute that process definition. Upgraded process definitions can be registered without unregistering the old versions: the old process definitions are used for existing process instances and the upgraded versions are used for all process instances started after the new definition is registered.
Registration Order
The distributions you register with an engine can be registered in any order with one exception: the user profile supplier of a validation or assignment rule dictionary must be registered before the validation or assignment rule dictionary is registered.
Since design elements are created before the process definitions that use them, it is normal for a user profile, validation, and assignment rule dictionary to be registered in that order, before process definitions are registered. However, in the course of development, assignment rules can change, or new ones may be developed, and these assignment rules can be registered at any time (if their user profile supplier does not change).
Performing Registrations
To register an iIS distribution, the library distribution must have been made and must reside on the central server node. The nodes hosting the target engine (or engines) must be online, and the primary engine unit of each target engine must be in ONLINE state.
As you perform registrations, iIS writes a log of registration operations. The log file is stored on the central server node in the following location: FORTE_ROOT/sysdata/conductr/cl0/environment_name/engine_name.log
NOTE After registration of an iIS distribution has taken place, subsequent relocation of an engine unit to another node is not a
You can register one or more distributions with one or more engines, all at the same time.
Chapter 5 Managing Registrations 145