Agilent E5250A User’s Guide, Edition 9 7-43
Command Reference
This query command returns the card configuration information. This command has
query form only.
Syntax :SYSTem:CCONfig? card_number
Query response card_configuration <newline><^END>
For the E5252A: no response. Always returns #10.
For the E5255A: definite length block response data, #16ABCDEF, where each
letter is 8-bit binary data as follows:
A: indicates input port (1 to 6) that is connected to block 1.
B: indicates if resistance is set for block 1 Bias Port: 1: resistance set, 0: not set
C: indicates input port (1 to 6) that is connected to block 2.
D: indicates if resistance is set for block 2 Bias Port: 1: resistance set, 0: not set
E: indicates input port (1 to 6) that is connected to block 3.
F: indicates if resistance is set for block 3 Bias Port: 1: resistance set, 0: not set
Example OUTPUT @Hp5250;":SYST:CCON? 1"
ENTER @Hp5250;A$
FOR I=1 TO 6
PRINT "BYTE No. ";I;"= ";C
Parameter Explanation
card_number card number: 1, 2, 3, or 4