2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001
6-39 T
0001 The delivery belt does not leave home position when the stack delivery mo-
tor is driven for 3 sec.
0002 The delivery belt does not return to home position when the stack delivery
motor is driven for 3 sec.
Main cause The stack delivery motor (M3) is faulty. The delivery belt home position
motor (PI7) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.
0001 The aligning plate (rear) does not leave home position when the alignment
motor (rear) is driven for 3 sec.
0002 The aligning plate (rear) does not return to home position when the align-
ment motor (rear) is driven for 3 sec.
Main cause The alignment motor (rear; M5) is faulty. The aligning plate home position
sensor (rear; PI5) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.
0001 The stapler does no leave home position when the stapler/folder motor is
driven for 1.5 sec.
0002 The stapler does not return to home position when the stapler/folder motor
is driven for 1.5 sec.
0003 The clock signal is disrupted for 1 sec or more while the stapler/folder mo-
tor is driven.
Main cause The stapler home position sensor (PI19) is faulty. The stapler/folder motor
(M7) is faulty. The stapler/folder clock sensor (PI4) is faulty. The finisher
controller PCB is faulty.
0001 The stapler unit does not leave home position when the stapler slide motor
is driven for 4.5 sec.
0002 The stapler unit does not return to home position when the stapler slide mo-
tor is driven for 4.5 sec.
Main cause The slide home position sensor PI180 is faulty. The stapler slide motor
(M8) is faulty. The finisher controller PCB is faulty.