2001 CANON INC. 2000 2000 2000 2000 CANON iR2200/iR2800/iR3300 REV.0 MAR. 2001
5-8 T
PUNCH Indicates the version of the software of the punch unit.
LANG-EN Indicates the version of the English file.
LANG-FR Indicates the version of the French file.
LANG-DE Indicates the version of the German file.
LANG-IT Indicates the version of the Italian file.
LANG-JP Indicates the version of the Japanese file.
LANG-CS Indicates the version of the Czech file.
LANG-DA Indicates the version of the Danish file.
LANG-EL Indicates the version of the Greek file.
LANG-ES Indicates the version of the Spanish file.
LANG-ET Indicates the version of the Estonian file.
LANG-FI Indicates the version of the Finnish file.
LANG-HU Indicates the version of the Hungarian file.
LANG-KO Indicates the version of the Koran file.
LANG-NL Indicates the version of the Dutch file.