Chapter 6: Using the Phone Application
Configuring Site Settings
Linksys One Communications Solution
To select music for external lines on hold:
1. Click the drop down button ( ) in the Select music on hold for external lines area.
2. Select one of the available music titles.
3. Click Commit.
To change the maintenance window:
1. Click the down arrow ( ) in the Maintenance Window area.
2. Select one of the available maintenance windows.
3. Click Commit.
To change the phone desktop:
1. Click the down arrow ( ) in the Phone Desktop area.
2. Select one of the available desktop choices.
3. Click Commit.
Auto Attendant
After Hours
Transfer Number
The Auto Attendant After Hours Forwarding Transfer Number area allows you
to assign an after-hours AA forwarding number. An after hours call is
forwarded to both this number and to the operator. If no number is entered in
this field, the call is forwarded to the operator.
Note: the Auto Attendant After Hours Forwarding option in the Install >
Dialing screen must be checked for this option to be available.
Note: A steering digit must precede the AA Forwarding number. For example,
if the AA Forwarding number is 214-555-1212 and the steering digit for an IP
Trunk is 9, then the number to enter would be 9-214-555-1212.
Site Comments You can enter text in the Site Comments area that pertain to this site. For
example, you could put site contact information in this area.
Field Description