Chapter 4 Performing a Basic Configuration of the System
Configuring the Cisco 7500 Series System
Step 3 At the # prompt, enter the copy
Hostname# copy
Taking this step saves the configuration settings that the AutoInstall process created in the router. If you fail to do this, your configuration will be lost the next time you reload the router.
Performing a Basic Manual Configuration Using the Setup Facility
If you do not plan to use AutoInstall, do not connect the router’s serial (WAN) cable to the CSU/DSU. This prevents the router from attempting to run the AutoInstall process. (The router will attempt to run AutoInstall whenever you start it if the serial [WAN] connection is connected on both ends and the router does not have a configuration stored in NVRAM.) It can take several minutes for the router to determine that AutoInstall is not set up to a remote TCP/IP host.
Once the router has determined that AutoInstall is not configured, it will default to the setup facility. If the serial (WAN) cable is not connected, the router will boot from Flash memory and go into the setup facility.
Note You can run the setup facility any time you are at the enable prompt (#) by entering the setup command.
Configuring the Global Parameters
When you first start the setup program, you must configure the global parameters, which are used for controlling
Use the following procedure to enter the global parameters:
Step 1 Connect a console terminal to the console port on the RSP, and then boot the router to the user EXEC prompt (Router>). If you are using the console
Step 2 When you have booted from Flash memory, the following information will appear after about 30 seconds. When you see this information displayed, you have successfully booted your router:
System Bootstrap, Version 5.3(16645) [biff 571], RELEASED SOFTWARE
Copyright (c)
This RSP2 is system master
Other RSP2 is not plugged in
RSP2 processor with 16384 Kbytes of main memory
Restricted Rights Legend
Use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to restrictions as set forth in subparagraph
(c)of the Commercial Computer Software - Restricted Rights clause at FAR sec.
(c)(1) (ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at DFARS sec.
cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive
| Cisco 7500 Series Installation and Configuration Guide |