4.Do one of the following:
—Select the location of the device from the Location dropdown box.
—Add a new location by selecting New Location from the Location dropdown box. The Add New Location box appears.
Enter the name of the location in the New Location field. Click Add Location. The new location is available in the Location dropdown box on the Add/Edit Attachment box.
5.Enter the operating system in the OS field.
6.Enter the function in the Function field.
7.Click Apply to accept the information, click Undo Changes to reject all changes and keep the Add/Edit Attachment box open, or click Cancel to return to the Attached Agents screen.
To delete an attached agent:
1.Select the checkbox in the Delete column of the Attached Agents screen for the agent you want to delete.
2.Click Delete Selection(s).
Power Fail Settings Screen
One of the most valuable aspects of HP Rack and Power Manager is the ability to work in concert with a UPS to gracefully shut down computer operating systems during a power failure. It is often desirable to prolong the runtime of critical computers (Web servers, domain controllers, databases, and so on) while still allowing protection of essential data by closing down services completely before power is removed. Because other equipment benefiting from the power regulation of a UPS might not serve critical needs, it can be beneficial to be able to shut down such equipment early during a power failure to prolong battery time for the more necessary systems. Power fail settings allow for the prioritization of shutdowns of UPS load segments (banks of power outlets) as well as of the servers receiving power from the UPS (attached agents, for example). Carefully consider the following items before configuring the power failure settings:
•The length of battery protection increases as the load on the UPS decreases.
•After a power outage recovery, another outage could occur before the UPS batteries fully charge. For a more robust system fault tolerance, set the time delay to a value small enough to allow battery reserve for at least two shutdowns.
HP Rack and Power Manager User Guide |