MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
555-660-111 Issue 1
February 1998
bit (binary digit) One unit of information in binary notation; it
can have one of two values, zero or one.
bit rate Speed at which bits are transmitted, usually expressed in


. Also called “data rate.”
blocking Condition in which end-to-end connections cannot be made
on calls because of a full load on all possible services and
facilities. See a lso


BMI (Broadcast Music Incorporated)
board A module, for example, 100D or 408 MLX GS/LS, t hat
allows you to connect lines/trunks and extensions to the
communications system.
board assignment System Programming and Maintenance (SPM) procedure
for assigning line/trunk and extension modules to slots on
the control unit.
renumbering System programming procedure for renumbering boards
that have already been assigned to specific slots on the
control unit.
BRI (Basic Rate Interface) A standard protocol for accessing
Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN) services.
broadband Transmission path having a bandwidth greater than a
voice-grade channel.
BTMI (basic telephone modem interface)
bus Multiconductor electrical path used to transfer information
over a common connection from any of several sources to
any of several destinations.
button Key on the face of a telephone that is used to access a line,
activate a feature, or enter a code on a communications
byte Sequence of
s (usually eight) processed together. Also
called “octet.”
Call Accounting
System See


Call Accounting
Terminal See


Caller ID A service provided by some local telephone companies (if
local regulations allow) that supplies the calling party
telephone number. In Release 3.0 and later, an 800 GS/LS-
ID module on the system can capture this information and
display it on the screens of MLX telephones. See also


Calling group Team of individuals who answer the same types of calls.