Ordering Informatio n
For more information about Lucent Technolo gies documents, refer t o the section entitled ‘‘Related
Documents’’ on page -xxi.
Support Telephone Number
In the continental U.S ., Lucent Technologies provides a toll-free cu stomer helpline 24 hour s a day. Call the
Lucent Technologies Help lin e at 1 800 628-2888 or your L ucent Technologies au thorized dealer if you
need assistance when installing, programming, or using your system. Consultation charges may apply.
Outside the continenta l U.S., contact your loc al Lucent Technologie s authorized representa tive.
Network Engineering Group
For assistance in des igning a private networ k, call the Network Eng ineering Group at 1 888 297-4700.
Lucent Technologies Corporate Security
Whether or not immediate support is required, all toll fraud incidents involving Lucent Technologies
products or services

should be reported

to Lucent Technologies Corpo rat e Sec ur i ty at 1 800 821-8235. In
addition to recording the i nci de nt, Lu ce nt Te ch no logi es C orpo rat e Secu r ity i s a vai l ab le fo r consu lt a tion on
security issues, inves tigation support, refe rral to law enforceme nt agencies, and educat ional programs.
Lucent Technologies Fraud Intervention
If you

suspect you are being vic timized

by toll fraud and you need t echni cal su pport or assis tance, cal l BCS
National Service Assis tance Center at 1 800 628-2888.
Lucent Technologies provid es a l imit ed warr ant y on thi s pr oduct. Refer to “ Limite d Warr ant y and Li mita tion
of Liability” in Appendix A, “

Customer Support Information

Call: BCS Publications Center
Voice: 1 800 457-1235 International Voice:1 317 322-6791
Fax: 1 800 457-1764 International Fax: 1 317 322-6849
Write: BCS Publications Center
2855 North Franklin Road
Indianapolis, IN 46219- 1385
Order: Document No. 555-660-111
Comcode: 108136086
Issue 1, February 1998