MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
555-660-111 Issue 1
February 1998
Common Administrative Procedures
Console Display/Instructions Additional Information PC
Select Maintenance Alarms.
Enter the line/trunk jack to which the maintenance alarm is c onnected.
Assign or remove the line/trunk.
Select or
Return to the System Programming menu.
Select twice.
Voice Messaging System and Automated Attendant 4
Use this procedure to specify the touch-tone duration and the interval between
digits in codes sent between a voice messaging system and the communications
system. The touch-tone duration and interval between digit assignment must be
the same as those programmed on the voice messaging system.
This procedure specifies the integrated voice messaging ports (line/trunk jacks)
used to connect voice messaging systems such as MERLIN MAIL Voice
Messaging System or the AUDIX Voice Power-Integrated Solution II/III
application. It also specifies the generic VMI ports (line/trunk jacks) used for
automated attendants, such as Integrated Voice Power Automated Attendant
Dial or type:
Trunk number [ ]
Slot and port number [
Logical ID number [