MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 6.0
System Programming
555-660-111 Issue 1
February 1998
Common Administrative Procedures
Page4-315Optional Group Calling Features
Copy Option No
Console Procedure More→ →More→ →
Type Dial calling group ext. no.→ →Specify login
type→ → →
PC Procedure → → Type calling group ext. no.
Specify login type→→→→
Queue Control 4
In Release 6.0 and later systems, the system manager can control the maximum
number of calls allowed in the primary calling group queue for calls that arrive on
the following types of facilities:
DID (Direct Inward Dialing) and dial-in TIE
PRI facilities programmed for dial- pl an routing
All calls transferred from a VMI (voice messaging interface) port
Internal calls to the DGC group
Internal calls to the calling group through the QCC Position-Busy backup
Intrasystem calls to the DGC group
All private network dialed calls, including remote DID
When the number of the calls in queue reaches the program med maximum,
subsequent callers receive a busy signal.
Dial-in tie trunks, including private tandem tie trunks (Release 6.0 and later
systems, Hybrid/PBX only) cannot be assigned directly to calling groups.
Remote-access calls to a calling group, coverage calls directed to a calling group,
and all outside/CO calls are not eligible for queue control.
Queue control does not apply to calls received directly on any of the following
Loop-start lines
Ground-start lines/trunks
Auto-in tie trunks
BRI (Basic Rate Interface) channels
T1 facilities emulating ground-start or loop-start lines/trunks
PRI facilities programmed for line-appearance routing