144Chapter 10 Setting up Routing Tables
Adding a Disconnect step
Disconnect steps release a call from the skillset it is in. If the first step in a routing table is a Disconnect step, Call Center does not answer the call.
To add a disconnect step
1Start CallPilot Manager.
2Click the Call Center heading.
3Click the Skillset List link. The Skillsets List page appears.
4Click the Day or the Night link for the skillset you want to add a disconnect step to. The Day or the Night Routing Table page appears.
5Click the Insert link for a step in the routing table.
The disconnect step is added before this step. To add the disconnect step to the end of the routing table, click the Insert link for the End step. If the Routing Table is full the End step does not appear.
The Routing Step page appears.
6Click the Disconnect option.
7Click the Submit button.
The Disconnect step appears in the Routing Table list.
8Click the Close button to return to the Skillset List page.
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