160Chapter 11 Creating Caller Input Rules
6The Call Center Administrator created three rules for Rules Table 1:
•rule 4709####. Customers with servers have a personal identification number that begins with 4709
•rule 5709####. Customers with desktop computers have a personal identification number that begins with 5709
•rule 6709####. Customers with laptop computers have a personal identification number that begins with 6709
7The callers’ personal identification number is 67095233, which matches the rule for laptop computers.
8The Call Center Administrator set up the rules in Rules Table 1 with these Actions:
•a match for 4709#### sends callers to skillset 1 (servers) and changes the call priority to 1
•a match for 5709#### sends callers to skillset 2 (desktops) and changes the call priority to 1
•a match for 6709#### sends callers to skillset 3 (laptops) and changes the call priority to 1
9The call enters skillset 3. Skillset 3 is the priority service skillset for laptops.
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