Chapter 8

Recording Call Center Greetings

About Call Center greetings

Call Center greetings encourage callers to stay on the line until an agent is available. You can record greetings in different languages and change them as often as you like.

You can include information in your greetings such as:

your hours of service

a request for callers to have their account number ready

how to leave a message

an announcement of a sale

product lists

upcoming special events

The table “A comparison of Basic and Professional Call Center” on page 15 shows how many greetings you can record, depending on which Call Center you use.

You can record greeting numbers and information in “Call Center Greetings” on page 254.

Examples of Call Center greetings

You can record different types of greetings for Call Center. Before you record your greeting, determine what information the greeting includes. When you prepare your greeting, include important times and dates. Keep greetings as short and concise as possible. Use the following examples of greetings as a reference.

General company greeting

The general company greeting informs callers that they have reached the


correct company. It can also include the location and business hours of


your company.


“Thank you for calling Bridgestone Computers. We are located at 52 Main


Street. Our hours of service are Monday to Friday from 8:00 until 5:00.


Please stay on the line and an agent will be with you as soon as possible.


Or press 0 to leave a message and one of our agents will return your call.”



Please wait greeting

Please wait greetings encourage callers to stay on the line.


“All our agents at Bridgestone Computers are currently busy, but please


hold as your call is very important to us.“



Information greeting

An information greeting provides messages and announcements to callers.


Thank you for calling Bridgestone Computers. This week we have


extended our hours until we sell all spring merchandise. We will be open


until 9:00 pm Monday through Thursday, and we will be open until midnight


on Friday! Please come in and see us at 52 Main Street.”



Nortel Networks Call Center Set Up and Operation Guide

Page 107
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Nortel Networks P0605665 03 manual Chapter Recording Call Center Greetings, About Call Center greetings