Chapter 8 Recording Call Center Greetings 113
15Click the Add Caption link for the greeting. The Greeting Caption page appears.
16In the Greeting box type a descriptive name for the greeting. The greeting caption can be a maximum of 30 characters.
17Click the Submit button.
Note: If you want to change the Greeting Caption, click the Change Caption link and make your changes.
Exporting a Call Center greeting
If you use Professional Call Center on Business Communications Manager, you can export a previously recorded greeting to a computer file in WAV or in its native format. You cannot export a previously recorded greeting if you use CallPilot 100/150.
Export the greeting in its native format if you want to
Export the greeting in WAV format if you want to edit the sound file on your computer.
To export a previously recorded greeting
1Start CallPilot Manager.
2Click the Call Center heading.
3Click the Greetings link.
The Call Center Greetings page appears.
4Click the Voice link for the number of the greeting you want to export. The page you can export a greeting from appears.
5At the Export option click either the Native Encoding or WAV Encoding link. The File Download dialog box appears.
6Click Save this file to disk and click the OK button. The Save As dialog box appears.
7From the Save in list box, navigate to where you want to save the file and click the Save button.
Nortel Networks Call Center Set Up and Operation Guide