Chapter 14
Monitoring Call Center call activity
Monitoring call activity
There are two ways that you can monitor call activity at your call center:
•“Monitoring agent calls with Silent Monitor” on page 179
•“Monitoring skillsets” on page 185
You can monitor calls by using memory buttons that you program with the Feature Codes for monitoring:
•Display calls waiting in skillsets ≤·‚·
•Monitor agent calls ≤·‚fi.
NOTE: To use ≤·‚fi, you must program it to a memory button and press the ≤·‚fimemory button to monitor agent calls.
For how to program a memory button, refer to “Programming a memory button with a Feature Code” on page 30. For information about monitoring capacities refer to “A comparison of Basic and Professional Call Center” on page 15.
Monitoring agent calls with Silent Monitor
Note: If you use a CallPilot platform, you can monitor calls using ≤·‚fibut Silent Monitor is not available.
When you monitor calls as a Silent Monitor, you are not detected by the agent or callers. You monitor all of the calls on an agent's telephone, rather than on a
Note: While you monitor an agent’s calls you monitor all of their calls, including their personal calls. Tell agents that if they make a call that they do not want monitored, they must first log off as an agent, then log on again when they complete the call.
You must program a memory button with ≤·‚fi, and then press the ≤·‚fi memory button to monitor calls. If the memory button you choose has an indicator, the indicator shows your log on status. You do not have Call Center calls sent to you while you use ≤·‚fi.
Nortel Networks Call Center Set Up and Operation Guide