Caret 1/ Pos. A

Acre accumulator

This displays the acres covered in XXX.X format based on the implement width and the ground speed. The display increments as long as the implement status is down. When the implement status is up, the acres value stops accumulating and flashes the value when the acre accumulator caret is selected.

Caret 2/ Pos. B

Acres per hour

This displays the calculated acres covered per hour in XXX.X format based on the implement width and ground speed. This display updates as long as the implement status is down. When the implement status is up, the acre per hour value will display “.0” and an alarm will sound for 3 seconds to indicate that the implement is up.

Caret 3/ Pos. C Distance Accumulator (Feet)

This accumulates feet from the radar input in an

XXXXformat. To start and stop the distance accumulator, select a distance accumulator caret function and press the start/stop touch switch. To reset the distance accumulator press and hold the start/stop touch switch until the LCD blinks and displays “0”. The distance accumulators (feet and meters) are tied together, so starting, stopping, or resetting either distance accumulator does the same action on the other caret function. The accumulated distance flashes when accumulation stops.

Caret 4/ Pos. D

Percent slip

This displays the percentage difference between the radar input and the sensor input from the transmission in XXXX format. The slip caret flashes when the slip is greater than the slip alarm percentage regardless of what function is being viewed. When the caret is flashing, a continuous alarm sounds until the slip drops below the slip alarm percentage. While in the alarm condition, other carets can still selected and viewed; however the slip caret will continue to flash until the slip drops below the slip alarm value. The default alarm percentage is 15%.

Caret 5/ Pos. E Distance Accumulator (Meters)

This accumulates meters from the radar in an

XXXXformat. To start and stop the distance accumulator, select a distance accumulator caret function and press the start/stop touch

switch. To reset the distance accumulator press and hold the start/stop touch switch until the LCD blinks and displays “0”. The distance accumulators (feet and meters) are tied together, so that starting, stopping, or resetting either distance accumulator does the same to the other caret function. The accumulated distance will flash when accumulation has stopped.

Caret 6/ Pos. F

Hectares per hour

This displays the calucated hectares covered per hour in XXX.X format based on the implement width and ground speed. This display updates as long as the implement status is down. When the implement status is up the hectare per hour value will display “.0” and an alarm will sound for 3 seconds to indicate that the implement is up.

Caret 7/ Pos. G Hectare accumulator

This will display the hectares covered in XXX.X format based on the implement width and the current speed in XXX.X format. This display will increment as long as the implement status is down. When the implement status is up the hectares value will stop accumulating and flash that value when the hectare accumulator caret is selected.

Slip Alarm

When the percent slip is above the alarm percent setting a continuous audible alarm sounds and the slip caret flashes until the percent slip drops below the alarm value. If the percent slip caret is selected during an alarm condition, the current slip value will be displayed and updated. The maximum value that can be displayed is 30%.

NOTE: Whether in Percent Slip mode or not, when the alarm percentage is reached, the TPM will activate the alarm.

Zeroing Slip Function

To set the zero slip, select the percent slip caret and drive the tractor at a constant speed in a zero slip condition then press and hold the reset touch switch for three seconds until the LCD blinks.

Acres Accumulator Zeroing Function

To reset the acres accumulators to zero, select the acres area accumulator and press and hold the reset touch switch for three seconds until the LCD blinks and displays “.0”. This resets the acre area accumulator to zero.


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Image 163
Buhler 2375 Caret 1/ Pos. a Acre accumulator, Caret 2/ Pos. B, Caret 3/ Pos. C Distance Accumulator Feet, Caret 4/ Pos. D