C.Weight Packages Adding a front or rear weight package to a tractor affects the weight distribution per axle as well as the total tractor weight. In addition, the actual weight effect applied to the axle is amplified by the distance the weight is hung away from the axle center line. The following chart shows the gross weight of each weight kit and the net result of adding the kit on the front and rear axle.

Total Weight of Kit

Effect on Front Axle

Effect on Rear Axle

kg (lbs.)

kg (lbs.)

kg (lbs.)

Rear Weight Kit -

40.8 kg (90 lbs.) bracket with

33 x 30 kg (67 lbs.) weights . . . . . . 1030 (2301) . . . . . . . Removes 185 (414) . . . . . . . Adds 1216 (2715)

Auxiliary Rear Weight Kit -

18.2 kg (40 lbs.) brackets with

24 x 30 kg (67 lbs.) weights . . . . . . 738 (1648) . . . . . . . . Removes 118 (264) . . . . . . . Adds 856 (1912)

Front Weight Kit -




59 kg (130 lbs.) bracket with




12 x 30 kg (67 lbs.) weights

419 (934)

Adds 716 (1597)

Removes 297 (663)

Front Weight Kit -

59 kg (130 lbs.) bracket with

39 x 30 kg (67 lbs.) weights . . . . . . 1229 (2743) . . . . . . . Adds 2102 (4691) . . . . . . . Removes 873 (1947)

Midmount Weight Kit -

314 kg (692 lbs.) frame with

30 x 30 kg (67 lbs.) weights . . . . . . 1214 (2702) . . . . . . . . . Adds 147 (324) . . . . . . . . . Adds 1067 (2378)

Total Effect of Putting a

Complete Front, Rear, Midmount and Auxiliary

Rear Weight Kit on a Tractor . . . . . 4211 (9394) . . . . . . . . Adds 1946 (4337) . . . . . . . . Adds 2266 (5058)

Multiply every pound of weight added to the front weight kit by 171% and add this figure to the front axle. Multiply every pound of weight added to the front weight kit by 71% and subtract this figure from the rear axle weight. The total effect on the tractor should be the sum of the front effect less the rear effect and should equal the weight added.

Multiply every pound of weight added to the rear weight kit by 118% and add this figure to the rear axle. Multiply every pound of weight added to the rear weight kit by 18% and subtract this figure from the front axle weight. The total effect on the tractor should be the sum of the front effect less the rear effect and should equal the weight added.

Multiply every pound of weight added to the auxiliary rear weight kit by 116% and add this figure to the rear axle. Multiply every pound of weight added to the auxiliary rear weight kit by 16% and subtract this figure from the front axle weight. The total effect on the tractor should be the sum of the front effect less the rear effect and should equal the weight added.


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Image 341
Buhler 2425, 2335, 2290, 2375, 2360 manual Effect on Front Axle Effect on Rear Axle Kg lbs